
Disk Catalog System
Links (Emulators and Others)

Disk Catalog System

ATTENTION - Program language is German only !
A Simple Database to manage your C64 Floppy Disks with 8 Mainsections and 80 posible entrys per Section.
Screenshot 1 Screenshot 2
Download as .D64 Floppy-Diskimage for Emulators
(you may use some PC Tools to transfer it to a real C64 Floppy Disk)
Compressed Zip Archive (26 KB)
Compressed tar.gz Archive (26 KB)
Compressed lha Archive (26 KB)


LEMON - C64 Emulators
The VICE Emulator (C64 und other old Commodore Computers)
Frodo - C64 Emulator
MagiC64 - C64 Emulator for Amiga (time restircted demo downloadable)

C64 Tools (transfer Floppydisks, modify Images and much more.)

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